Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Year: 2018
Editorial: Seix Barral
Language: Español, Catalán
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 216
Synopsis: Esteban is a retired university professor who decides to dedicate himself to gardening and minimize his relationships with others to the bare minimum. But this decision will not only bring him practical problems - how to confront his wicked neighbor, how could one not admire that enigmatic woman who settles in, or get excited about all that which is human - all while struggling to death to create a garden that represents his ideal of beauty. This will also bring him face to face with a vital question: does that beauty of the world justify our suffering and existence?

"The Nights All" is a beautiful initiation novel at the end of life. Its protagonist carries the pride of one who embarks on an impossible enterprise with the sole purpose of making sense of the fact of being alive. And in the refuge that is his garden, surrounded by indelible characters who help or prevent him from achieving his goal, he strives so that not everything turns into chaos and darkness there. Thanks to his extraordinary writing, Tomás González portrays with contained exaltation and deep intuitions the drama of a stubborn man, who in his double failure - the impossibility of taming nature and the inability to avoid contact with others - ends up vindicating his own humanity. His conflict is both deep, moving and light, and makes one shudder as when the essence of life is understood and the movement of a feather pushed by the force of air is admired with fascination.

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other works of the author -

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Alfaguara, 2013
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Alfaguara, 2015
La luz difícil La luz difícil
Alfaguara, 2011
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