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Approximately 1 results of el mapa del tiempo

Dueñas and Palma nominated for the IMPAC Dublin
Dueñas and Palma nominated for the IMPAC Dublin

In the 12th of November the list of nominated novels was presented for the; “Internacional IMPAC Dublín Literary Award, 2013”. The list, containing 154 titles sellected by public libaries from 120 cities in 44 countries and 19 languages, will compete for one of the most international literary awards. Among the selected include; “El tiempo entre costuras” (The Seamstress/ The Time Between) by María Dueñas and “El mapa del tiempo” (The map of Time) by Félix J. Palma The selected titles are considered novels of high literary quality. The list of finalists (maximum 10 titles) will be made public in April 2013 and the winner, will be selected by an international group of five judges. We are anxiously awaiting April to learn the results of this selection. In the meantime we congratulate both in-house authors for this grand acknowledgement.

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