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The novel “Las paredes hablan” (The Walls Talk) by Carmen Boulosa adapted to film
The novel “Las paredes hablan” (The Walls Talk) by Carmen Boulosa adapted to film

Monday the 3rd of December the film The Walls Talk, based on the novel homonym by the Mexican author Carmen Boullosa, will primer in theaters in Mexico City. The full-length film, directed by Antonio Zavala Kluger, will soon be accompanied by a new edition of the novel from the publishing house Ediciones Siruela (1st edition, 2010) Sinopsis: This fascinating novel combines historical events that have marked the destiny of this nation with its small miseries and the tragic destinies of its people. It initiates with the construction of the beautiful “Casa Espíritu” Spirit House in the prime of Mexico’s Independence (1810), and it’s bricks speak to us of its first habitants: A revolutionary priest, his artist friends and intellectuals and of his valiant daughter. One hundred years later, an identical construction is erected wall against wall; “Casa Santo” Saint’s House. Now living in the two houses, inevitably confronting each other, are General Porfirio Díaz and his neighbors who are more inclined to the new tendencies that have brought the Revolution of 1910. Finally arriving to current times, the twin houses will be inhabited by families representatives of the social and ideological polarities of this country; the disgustingly recently rich, whose money comes from corruption and shady businesses, and a family from the ancient lineage that is unable to adapt to the current changes…

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