DeBols!llo reissues "Breathing Through the Wound", by Víctor del Ýrbol
15/04/2014Everybody agrees that Víctor del Árbol is one of the best authors among those that use crime fiction to write literature without labels, written with a capital L. It was the publishing house Alrevés that launched the novel that established him, The Sadness of the Samourai; its success was so big that by May 2012 it was reissued by DeBols!llo, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Next month, Breathing Through the Wound, his most recent novel, would be published there too; but it won't be the last book by Víctor. Also in May, Destino will release A Million Drops, his return to the market. Here in the agency we're looking forward to having it in our hands...
[ ... ]Amanda Black 1 - Una herencia peligrosa
On the same day that Amanda Black turns thirteen she receives a mysterious letter that will change her life. And how. From living in poverty, she and her aunt Paula move into a gigantic, labyrinthine-like mansion that has belonged to the Black family for generations. As if that were not enough, Amanda's body begins to show unsuspected abilities and she discovers that she must take possession of an exciting, secret and dangerous family legacy, for which she must begin to train immediately. Will Amanda live up to what is expected of her? What her parents, and all the Blacks before them, fought to perpetuate and protect? Rights sold:Italy (Salani); Germany (Cbj Random House);Greece (Minoas); Czech Republic (Knihy Dobrovsky);Portugal (Penguin Random House);Ukraine (Bookchef); Turkey (Beyaz Balina);Basque (Denonartean); France (Hachette);Poland (Wyndawnictwo SQN)
[ ... ]Alcalá, Fernando
Fernando Alcalá Suárez (Cáceres, 1980) loves nothing more than telling stories and consuming them, whether in books, TV series, movies, or video games. Although he prefers to live among elves and dragons, life has forced him to pretend to be an adult, and today he teaches English at a high school in Cáceres. He has three cats: Melon, Pineapple, and Lychee. He won the VII Iberian Cultural Prize for Young Artists in the literature category, an international competition for Spanish-speaking artists of all nationalities. Among other achievements, he has received the Extremadura Creation Grant three times, which encouraged him to write Ne obliviscaris and Summer Storm (Edelvives, 2010 and 2011), as well as Carlos, Paula, and Company, which took second place in the I HQÑ Contest and was published by Harper Collins Ibérica in 2013. Together with Geòrgia Costa, forming the Costa Alcalá duo, he won the Kelvin 505 and El Templo de las Mil Puertas awards with Heir, the first volume of The Second Revolution trilogy (Montena, Penguin Random House, 2017, 2018, and 2019). They have also written Good Sisters (Elastic Books, 2019) and the Prodigies series, three standalone novels set in the same universe, published by Nocturna Editorial between 2020 and 2022. Additionally, they are the authors of the children’s series Look Out, Lice (Montena, 2019 and 2020) and several novels published on Fiction Express, such as Journey to the Center of the Volcano, which won the readers’ choice award for best children’s novel on the platform in 2022. In autumn 2023, they published their first novel for adults, The Hunter’s Moon (Umbriel Editores), and in June 2024 Orphans of the Wanderer (Puck Editorial), the first part of Shadowweavers, a duology whose second volume will be released in Spain and Latin America in the first quarter of 2025. That same year, they will launch Nessa, Princess with Animallibres, Bromera, and Algar, a series of graphic novels for early readers. And that’s all for now... Fer has many projects underway, both with Geòrgia Costa and on his own, but he still can’t talk about them.
[ ... ]"Baudelaire's Flowers", by Gonzalo Garrido, reissued in DeBolsillo
08/03/2014Las flores de Baudelaire (Baudelaire's Flowers), the first novel by Gonzalo Garrido, published in 2012 by Alrevés, was reprinted last month in its paperback edition by DeBolsillo, which is part of Penguin Random House group. This news just goes to prove how Garrido's career is growing. His first novel, a blend of mistery and history that deals with treason and its presence as a guiding force in our lives, became an unexpected success. The novel (now, in its third edition) has appeared repeatedly in the best seller lists, has been finalist of awards such as the Memorial Silverio Cañada (granted by the Semana Negra de Gijón) and has received the praise of brilliant authors such as Eduardo Mendoza. Las flores de Baudelaire is just the first step in a career that we predict as more than solid, and that has a bright future.
[ ... ]Costa, Geòrgia
Geòrgia Costa Villaró (Tarragona, 1984) holds degrees in History and Classical Archaeology from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, since the only thing she enjoys almost as much as writing stories is hearing them. She writes children’s and middle-grade books, including the recent Ada Tormentas series: Something’s Up with Ada Tormentas (Salamandra, 2024) and Ada Tormentas is Up to Something (Salamandra, 2024). She also writes children's non-fiction, such as 22 Mysteries of History (Montena, 2015) and the illustrated bestiary Monsters of the World (Montena, 2018). Together with Fernando Alcalá, with whom she forms the writing duo Costa Alcalá, she won the Kelvin 505 Award and the El Templo de las Mil Puertas Award with the novel Heir, the first volume of The Second Revolution trilogy (Montena, Penguin Random House, 2017, 2018, and 2019). They have also written Good Sisters (Elastic Books, 2019) and Prodigies, a series of three standalone novels set in the same universe, published by Nocturna between 2020 and 2022. Additionally, they are the authors of the children's series Look Out, Lice (Montena, 2019 and 2020) and several novels published on Fiction Express, such as Journey to the Center of the Volcano, which won the readers’ choice award for the best children's novel on the platform in 2022. In autumn 2023, they published their first novel for adults, The Hunter’s Moon (Umbriel Editores), and in June 2024 Orphans of the Wanderer (Puck Editorial), the first part of Shadowweavers, a duology whose second volume will be released in Spain and Latin America in the first quarter of 2025. That same year, they will launch Nessa, Princess, a series of graphic novels for early readers, to be published by Animallibres, Bromera, and Algar. And that’s all... for the time being. Fer has many projects underway, both with Geòrgia Costa and on his own, but we’ll have to wait until he’s allowed to talk about them.
[ ... ]Cueto, Alonso
Alonso Cueto (Lima, 1954) es el autor de varios libros de narración y de ensayos. Cueto ha obtenido varias distinciones entre ellas, el premio Herralde de novela 2005 por su novela La Hora Azul, el premio al primer finalista del concurso de novela Planeta-Casa de América 2007 por El susurro de la mujer ballena, y el premio alemán Anna Seghers por el conjunto de su obra. En el año 2006, La Hora Azul fue considerada por la Editorial de la Republica Popular China como la mejor novela escrita en español en el bienio anterior. Cueto también recibió la beca para escritores de la Fundación John Simon Guggenheim, el homenaje de la feria del libro de Lima, el homenaje del Centro Cultural de la Universidad Católica y la medalla del Inca Garcilaso otorgada por el Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Cusco. El director de cine Francisco Lombardi adaptó su novela Grandes Miradas para dirigir la película Mariposa Negra que obtuvo numerosos premios internacionales. En el año 2015 se estrenó la película Magallanes, basada en su novela corta La Pasajera. La película fue una de las finalistas del premio Goya y recibió el premio del público en el Festival de Lima del 2015, además de otros varios premios. La obra de Cueto ha sido traducida a dieciséis idiomas, entre ellos el chino mandarín, el coreano, el rumano, el griego, el serbio, el holandés, el francés, el alemán, el portugués y el polaco. La edición rumana obtuvo el premio a la mejor traducción del año 2010. La traducción inglesa de La Hora Azul en la editorial Penguin Random House obtuvo el premio Valle Inclán a la mejor traducción del castellano otorgado por la Sociedad Británica de Autores en el año 2014. Su novela La Viajera del Viento (Planeta) junto con La Hora Azul y La Pasajera conforma la trilogía Redención, alrededor de la violencia en la historia peruana reciente. En la feria del libro de Lima en 2016, La Viajera del Viento fue la novela más vendida. Su última novela es La segunda amante del rey. Cueto es miembro de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua y profesor en la Universidad Católica del Perú. En el 2017 el gobierno peruano le reconoció el título de "Personalidad Meritoria de la Cultura".
[ ... ]Rubio, Salva
Salva Rubio es guionista, escritor y algunas cosas más. Miembro asociado del Writers Guild of America y de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, fue finalista del prestigiado premio SGAE Julio Alejandro, y su trabajo ha sido nominado a un Eisner Award y al Goya a Mejor Película de Animación. Máster en Guión de Cine y Tv por la UC3M, como guionista de cine ha trabajado en cinco películas para diferentes productoras españolas, entre ellas, el largometraje “Deep”, nominado al Goya. También ha escrito para Disney Channel. Es también analista de proyectos cinematográficos y ha trabajado para Alta Films, Colomo PC, Instituto Cervantes, F. Carolina, ICAA, etc. Como guionista de novela gráfica, ha publicado “El Fotógrafo de Mauthausen” (3 ediciones y 5 traducciones) y “Monet, Nómada de la luz” (8 traducciones), nominada al Eisner. Actualmente escribe para las más importantes editoriales europeas, como Dupuis, Delcourt, Glénat y LeLombard. Ha publicado con Planeta Cómic el spin off de “El Tango de la Guardia Vieja” de Arturo Pérez-Reverte. En 2012 publicó la novela “Zíngara: buscando a Jim Morrison” para Suma de Letras (Penguin Random House) y acaba de terminar su cuarta novela, “Barcelona Swingers”. Como ensayista, es el autor del libro pionero “Metal Extremo: 30 Años de Oscuridad” (6 ediciones), la obra más extensa sobre el tema publicada en el mundo. A ella le siguió una segunda parte, “Metal Extremo: Crónicas del Abismo” y fue elegido continuador de la exitosa serie “Salva al gato!” con la publicación en EEUU de “Save the Cat! Goes to the Indies”. Es también colaborador habitual en Jot Down.
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