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Approximately 9 results of short story

House of Anansi wins the Giller
House of Anansi wins the Giller

Lynn Coady’s short story collection Hellgoing won Canada’s biggest prize for fiction, the Scotiabank Giller Prize. House of Anansi Press, her Toronto-based publisher, had also published Coady’s novel The Antagonist, which was shortlisted for the prize in 2011.She has also been shortlisted to the Gobernor General’s Literary Award and the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humourm, and has four times made The Globe and Mail’s annual list of Top 100 Books. Spanish rights for the short story collection are available through the Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency. 

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González, Tomás
González, Tomás

Colombia Tomás González (Colombia, 1950) studied Philosophy before becoming a barman in a Bogotá nightclub, whose owner published Primero estaba el mar (In the Beginning Was the Sea), his first novel, in 1983. González has lived in Miami and New York, where he wrote much of his work while making a living as a translator. After twenty years in the US, he returned to Colombia. His works include the novels Para antes del olvido (For Before Forgetfulness, 1987), La historia de Horacio (The Story of Horace, 2000), Los caballitos del diablo (The Devil’s Little Horses, 2003), Abraham entre bandidos (Abraham Amid The Bandits, 2010), La luz difícil (The Difficult Light, 2011), Temporal (2013), Niebla al mediodía (2015), El expreso del sol (2016), Las noches todas (2018) y El fin del Océano Pacífico (2020); the collection of poems Manglares (1997) and the short story collections El rey del Honka-Monka (1993), El lejano amor de los extraños (2013) and El Expreso del Sol (2016). His works have been translated into several languages.  “Tomás González, has the potential of becoming a classic of Latin American literature. On reading him I had the feeling he was a writer with great pureness.” Elfriede Jelinek, writer, Nobel Prize winner “If García Márquez is Wagner, Tomás González is Bob Dylan.” Marianne Ponsford, directress of the magazine Arcadia, Colombia

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Antonio Machado Train Awards 2013
Antonio Machado Train Awards 2013

Mercedes de Vega, author of the novel El profesor de inglés (The English Professor), was awarded with an honorable mention, for her short story The Last Time I saw My Brother, in the Antonio Machado Train Awards 2013, for the Spanish Railway Foundation and the Antonio Machado Spanish Foundation. The announcement and presentation of the Train Awards took place on the 28th of October, the commemorative date of “Train Day” in memory of the first functioning railway on the peninsula, connecting Barcelona and Mataró. For this year’s awards 849 participants presented themselves from 21 countries and with 981 books, 366 poems and 615 short stories. The poems and short story selected as finalists have been compiled in a book that will be published in December 2013 as part of the Train Awards collection.

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Ramírez, Sergio
Ramírez, Sergio

Nicaragua, 1942 Sergio Ramírez was born in 1942 in Masatepe, Nicaragua. He published his first short stories at the age of eighteen. Whilst studying law he founded the literary magazine “Ventana” (“Window”) and in 1970 published his first novel, Tiempo de fulgor (Glaring Times). Since then till Tongolele no sabía bailar (Tongolele did not know how to dance) there have appeared Ya nadie llora por mí (No One No Longer Cries for Me, Alfaguara, 2017), Un baile de mascaras (Masked Ball), Castigo Divino (Divine Punishment) (Premio Dashiel Hammett in 1990), Margarita está linda la mar (Margarita How Beautiful the Sea) (Premio Alfaguara in 1998), Mil y una muertes (One Thousand and One Deaths), La Fugitiva, (The Fugitive), or the detective novel El cielo llora por mi (The Sky Cries for Me). Another of his constant genres has been the short story, of which stand out the volumes El reino animal (Animal Kingdom), Perdón y olvido (Forgivness and Oblivion), Flores oscuras (Dark Flowers) and his Personal Anthology, 50 Years of Short Stories (Oceáno Mexico, 2017). But also the recollection, Adiós muchachos (Goodbye Fellows, 1999), the essay Mentiras verdaderas (True Lies, 2001) and the indefatigable oped writer. His books have been translated into 20 languages. His latest novel is Ese día cayó en domingo (That Day Fell on a Sunday, 2022). • Cervantes Prize 2017 • Premio Iberoamericano de Letras José Donoso, awarded by the Universidad de Talca, Chile, 2011 • Premio Panamá Negro. Feria Internacional del Libro, Panamá, 2017. • Premio Carlos Fuentes a la Creación Literaria (Spanish language), awarded in México, 2014. • Premio del Festival Internacional Metrópolis Bleu, Montreal, Canadá, 2011 • Premio Latinoamericano José María Arguedas, 2000 • Premio Alfaguara de Novela, 1998 • Prix Laure Bataillon, 1998 • Premio Internacional Dashiel Hammett de Novela ,1995 • Named Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France, 1993)

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José María Merino awarded with the National Narrative Prize (Spain's Culture Ministery)
José María Merino awarded with the National Narrative Prize (Spain's Culture Ministery)

The Literary Agency Antonia Kerrigan wants to congratulate the author José María Merino for receiving, the well deserved,  Premio Nacional de Narrativa 2013 (National Narrative Award 2013) for his novel; The River of Eden (El río de edén) published in 2012 by  Editorial Alfaguara. José María Merino is a member of the Real Academia Española  (Spanish Royal Academy) and has received various awards for his works that include, narrative, young adult literature, short stories, essays and poems. His first novel, The Novel by Andrés Choz, (La Novela de Andrés Choz)  published in 1976, won the Novel and Short Story Award. In 1985 he was distinguished with the Critics Awards for his novel; The Dark Shore, (La orilla oscura). In 1993 he was given the National Young Adult and Children’s Literature Award for; I’m Not a Book, (No soy un libro). The novel Lucrecia’s Visions, (Las visiones de Lucrecia) (1996) received the Miguel Delibes Narrative award. In 2004, the novel The Heir, (El heredero) won the Ramón Gómez de la Serna Award and The Place without Guilt, (El lugar sin culpa), won the Torrente Ballester Award. The River of Eden; (El río del edén) has also won the critic Award of Castilla and León. The jury highlighted The River of Eden as: “a book in which the author has adopted a second auto-reflexive voice in order to bring life to a familiar micro-cosmos, that revolves around a boy with a disability and the crisis that his appearance provokes on family life. It is a technically risky work that has been well resolved, and that gains tension as the story advances and its crucial problems, like the right to a dignified death, find themselves perfectly exposed.”

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Sietecase, Reynaldo
Sietecase, Reynaldo

© Gentileza Alejandra López Reynaldo Sietecasas was born in Rosario, Argentina. He is a writer and journalist. Author of the novels "Un crimen argentino" (An Argentine Crime) (2002, Alfaguara), "A cuántos hay que matar" (How Many Must We Kill) (2010, Alfaguara), "No pidas nada" (Ask for Nothing) (2017, Alfaguara), and "La Rey" (2024, Alfaguara). He published the short story collection "Pendejos" (Fools) (2007, Alfaguara) and eight poetry books. Much of this work was compiled in the anthologies: "Nadie es de nadie" (No One Belongs to Anyone) (2019, Sial Pigmalión, Spain) and "Lengua Sucia" (Dirty Language) (2020, Lumen). The book "No hay tiempo que perder" (There's No Time to Lose) (2011, Aguilar) brings together a selection of his best chronicles. He also published the journalistic investigation "Kamikazes, los mejores peores años de la Argentina" (Kamikazes, the Best Worst Years of Argentina) (2013, Aguilar) and the photographic essay "Desnudos de vidriera" (Naked Shop Windows) (2017, Reservoir). In 2022, the film adaptation of "Un crimen argentino" was released, produced by Pampa Films and Warner Bros (currently on HBO Max and Filmin platforms).  

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El Príncipe del Parnaso (The Prince of Parnaso) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón is published internationally
El Príncipe del Parnaso (The Prince of Parnaso) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón is published internationally

“One day the walls will fall and Barcelona will spread under the heavens like a drop of ink over holy water”   Last April 23, 2012 for the “Day of the Book” Carlos Ruiz Zafón published with the publisher’s Editorial Planeta a short story un-edited titled, El Príncipe de Parnaso (The Prince of Parnaso). The story that forms part of a special edition pack with the author’s latest novel El Prisionero del Cielo (The Prisoner of Heaven). A few of the foreign Publishing Houses that publish this well known author didn’t want to let this opportunity escape them and have decided, in view of the Christmas season, to offer this un-edited work for the readers of El Prisionero del Cielo (The Prisoner of Heaven). Planeta Portugal lanced last September an exclusive edition with the sale of O Prisioneiro do Céu the short story titled; O Príncipe do Parnaso. Following along with the same idea Muza, publishers of Carlos Ruiz Zafón in Poland, have also published this special edition. For more information: Más información: Informació Planeta de Libros Planeta Portugal Muza Polonia

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Solares, Martín
Solares, Martín

Martín Solares (Tampico, Tamaulipas, 1970) has published a book of essays, Cómo dibujar una novela (How to Draw a Novel); a children's book, Los monstruos y tú (The Monsters and You); and two novels set in the Gulf of Mexico: No manden flores (Don't Send Flowers), translated into English, French, and Polish, and a finalist for the Violet Noir Prize, as well as Los minutos negros (The Black Minutes), translated into six languages, a finalist for the Rómulo Gallegos International Novel Prize, the Antonin Artaud Prize, and the Bibliothèque des Littératures Policières Prize. The Black Minutes was selected by the Times Literary Supplement as one of the best novels of the year and was adapted into a film in 2022. He has won three national literature awards: the José Revueltas Fine Arts Prize for Literary Essay, the Juan de la Cabada National Prize for Children's Short Stories, and the Efraín Huerta National Short Story Prize, as well as the International Book Award for Best Mystery Novel. This year, the third installment of the Catorce colmillos (Fourteen Fangs) trilogy will be published. These three detective novels blend historical accuracy with the freedom of fantastic imagination and take place in the turbulent Paris of the 1920s, a city teeming with spies, anarchists, and assassins.

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Clara Obligado presented with the IX Setenil Award
Clara Obligado presented with the IX Setenil Award

“The Book of the Mistaken Travels” by Clara Obligado, is presented with the IX Setenil Award for the best book of short stories published inSpain in 2012, assembled by the City ofMolina de Segura. Yesterday, the 30th. of October, 2012 the IX Setenil Award for the Best Book of Short Stories Published in Spain was celebrated. This award has been converted into a national reference for the short story genre. The jury was chaired, in this occasion, by the author Cristina Fernández Cubas, and accompanied by Anontio Lucas, poet and redactor of Culture for the newspaper El Mundo, and José María Pozuelo Yvancos, professor at the University of Murcia, columnist for the La Vanguardia newspaper and critic for the newspaper ABC. The presentation of the Award will be assisted by the winner and the jury members on the 11th of December en Molina de Segura. Source: Editorial Páginas de Espuma More information: Editorial Páginas de Espuma Vídeo de Clara Obligado realizado por Casa América

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