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Laura Gallego and her novelties for the next season: 'Encyclopedia of Idhun' and 'All the Kingdom Fairies'
Laura Gallego and her novelties for the next season: "Encyclopedia of Idhun" and "All the Kingdom Fairies"

Laura Gallego has done nothing but grow in these last few years. A couple of them ago, she won the National Prize for Young Adult Narrative for her book Donde los árboles cantan (Where Trees Sing), and it seems she won't stop after achieving this high honour: she plans not one but two releases for the following nine months. The first one, that will arrive on the 14th of October, is the Enciclopedia de Idhún (Encyclopedia of Idhún): it will be released by SM and includes all the information about the trilogy as well as many interesting additional data about Idhun's universe. The second one is even more exciting: it's called Todas las hadas del reino (All The Kingdom Fairies) and it's Laura's new novel, which will be released by Montena on March 2015. Everything there is to know about the book is still a well kept secret, but there are some clues we can give you because Laura did so on her official webpage: it's a young adult novel; it occurs in a fairytale world; the name of its main character is Camelia; it won't have a sequel. How good is that for an advance? Will it be enough until March 2015? If the answer is no, don't worry: we'll keep you posted...

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Piel de topo
Piel de topo

The Little Africa of San Francisco becomes the setting for the adventures of our psychic detective. Upon returning to Bilbao, Touré will recover his previous relationships (Sa Kené, Osmán, Aliou, Xihab) with the goal of recovering his badly damaged existence. A harsh reality, the one of being without papers in the paradise of dreams, requires a clandestine life in a miserable and suffocating setting controlled by the authorities. There is no possibility of escape, from the xenophobia and the lack of human necessities; to ensure sustenance he joins the coercion, the demand to collaborate with the enemy, the police, denouncing those close to him, those who find themselves in the same situation. Touré and his teammates will fight any way to free themselves from the web of blackmail and extortion in which they are trapped. The detailed description of the hidden world of immigration, of the monotone day to day of those who “do not exist”, of their reality, is what Arretxe carries on with dynamic and brutal language.     

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Cookies Policy
Cookies Policy

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer to access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and how you use your computer, they can be used to recognize the user. However, this only means obtaining information related to the number of pages visited, the city assigned the IP address from which you accessed, the number of new users, frequency and recurrence of visits, time of visit, the browser or the operator or terminal type from which the visit takes place. In no event will data be obtained about the full name or address from which the user is connected. The cookies used on this website and the specific purpose of each one are: UTMA Cookie: We use this cookie to count how many times a unique user visits the site. UTMB Cookie: We use this cookie to calculate how long a user stays on a page. UTMZ Cookie: This cookie stores the visitor's origin, the path followed to access the web, either the direct access from a link on another website, from an email link using certain keywords in a search engine, through a display campaign, or through an AdWords ad. UTMC Cookie: The current JavaScript code that Google Analytics uses does not require this cookie. This cookie is used, along with the utmb cookie, to determine if after more than 30 minutes on the same page a new session should or should not be established for the user. This cookie is still written to ensure compatibility with the websites where you installed the old urchin.js tracking code. PHPSESSID Cookie: We use this cookie to identify the relevant user. You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by setting your browser options. You can find information about how, in relation to the most common browsers, on the links listed below: Explorer: Firefox: Chrome: Safari: Please note, however, that there is the possibility that disabling any cookie may prevent or hinder navigation or the provision of services offered on this website.

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Méndez, Roxana
Méndez, Roxana

Roxana Méndez (San Salvador, 1979). Writer and translator. She holds a degree in English Philology and a Master's in Spanish and Latin American Literature. In 2023, the New York Public Library included her book The Market on its list of Best Books for Kids of 2022. That same year, she won the José Hierro International Poetry Prize in Spain for her book The Bathers. In 2019, she received the Cuatrogatos Foundation Award in Miami for her book Flying Machines, and that same year, she won the Ciudad de Melilla Christmas Story Award in Spain and the Central American Children’s Story Award from the Books for Children Foundation. In 2012, she received the Alhambra American Poetry Prize in Spain, and in her country she was awarded the Grand Master of Poetry prize, along with national narrative and children's poetry awards. She has published books such as Caro and Lucy on Garbage Island (Children’s Fiction, Fiction Express, 2024), The Bathers (Poetry, José Hierro University and RTVE, 2022), The Market (Children's Fiction, Books for Children, Nicaragua, 2022), The Mechanical Cat (Children's Fiction, DPI, El Salvador, 2021), Olivia and the Screeching Cart (Children's Fiction, Piedrasanta, Guatemala, 2021), Flying Machines (Children's Poetry, Valparaíso Ed., 2018), The Rain of 1979 (Valparaíso Ed., Spain, 2018), The Secret Book (Children's Poetry, DPI, El Salvador, 2017), The Sky in the Window (Poetry, Valparaíso Ed., Spain, 2012 and Valparaíso USA, 2017), Clara and Clarissa (Children's Fiction, Loqueleo, Guatemala, 2012), Mnemosyne (DPI, El Salvador, 2008 and Bombadil Ed., Sweden, 2011), and Memory (Poetry, DPI, El Salvador, 2004). Upcoming: Ana Glass (Children’s Fiction, El Naranjo Publishing, Mexico, 2025) WEBSITE:

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Legal Advice
Legal Advice

This website, prepared solely for information purposes, is owned by Donegal Magnalia SL, hereinafter Antonia Kerrigan Agencia Literaria. Its contents are protected by intellectual property laws are expressly forbidden to reproduce (in whole or in part), copy or distribution without the express written permission of Antonia Kerrigan Agencia Literaria. Antonia Kerrigan Agencia Literaria assumes no liability whatsoever arising from the information on this site and reserves the exclusive right to modify and / or delete at will and without notice, the information contained in it. Donegal Magnalia SL: CIF B72529399.

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Santos, Celia
Santos, Celia

Celia Santos reside en Barcelona. Durante siete años dirigió la sección de recomendaciones literarias en Tele Taxi TV, así como la web literaria Más que palabras. Tras cursar estudios de narrativa en el Ateneo de Barcelona, ha escrito numerosos relatos y cuentos, en su mayoría dirigidos a un público infantil y juvenil. Su primera novela para adultos, La maleta de Ana, basada en la historia de las mujeres españolas que emigraron a Alemania a trabajar en los años sesenta y setenta, cultivó un gran éxito. Más rápida que la vida es su nueva novela, en ella narra la historia de Dorothy Levitt una mujer que rompió con todos los prejuicios de la época.

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The new digital label Ciudad de Libros includes books by Alonso Cueto, José María Merino and María Pilar Queralt
The new digital label Ciudad de Libros includes books by Alonso Cueto, José María Merino and María Pilar Queralt

A new label called Ciudad de Libros has appeared recently with the idea of recovering, in digital format, quality books that were nearly impossible to find for Spanish readers. The project, headed by Blanca Rosa Roca, founder and director of Roca Editorial and Barcelona Digital Editions, will publish authors such as Sherwood Anderson, Erskine Caldwell, Gibran Jalil Gibran, Leon Uris or Thomas Wolfe and many more; three of them are represented by Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency. By the Peruvian author Alonso Cueto, readers will find titles such as Cinco para las nueve, Dalia y los perros, Deseo de noche, Grandes miradas and Los vestidos de una dama. By José María Merino, recently awarded with the National Prize for Literature, Ciudad de Libros will sell Crónicas mestizas, Cuatro nocturnos, Cuentos del Barrio del Refugio, Días imaginarios, El caldero de oro, El centro del aire and Novela de Andrés Choz. María Pilar Queralt is the third of the authors included: she will contribute to the project with the books De Alfonso la dulcísima esposa, La pasión de la reina, La rosa de Coimbra and Leonor. We invite you to take a look around Ciudad de Libros' webpage: it's interactive, participative, and filled, we promise you, with surprises and discoveries. 

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La liebre mecánica
La liebre mecánica

  Lazarillo Prize 2021 Nana is not well. Her boyfriend, Cuervo, hasn’t been the same for a while. He doesn’t speak to her, he’s nowhere to be seen outside of school, and seems to be getting further and further away from her. In the group of friends, nobody understands what is wrong with him. When Kike has a motorcycle accident, which he badly needs for his job and to bring a little money home, Cuervo decides to take charge of the situation and take those small bets that until now were only a matter of having a little fun, to the next level. One needs to do whatever it takes to help one’s buddy, right? But all that glitters is not gold and he will be trapped in a web of lies and trickery from which he will be unable to get out of on his own, destroying his relationship, his friends and his family along the way.  

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The time of the beasts
The time of the beasts

When the boundaries between good and evil are blurred, it is our actions that define us. In the time of the wild beasts, we are either predators or prey.A police officer on the brink of retirement is exiled by his own people to the peaceful island of Lanzarote, where he must spend the last years of his career. What neither he nor anyone else can imagine is that the investigation into the hit-and-run case of a nineteen-year-old girl from the East will uncover a web of crime and power across several European cities. In a spiral of intrigue that gives the reader no respite, we will discover the intimate motivations of unforgettable characters as well as the high economic interests that move the unsuspecting pieces of the game. A masterful novel that brings us closer to the heart of ordinary people and shows us how the lust for power can transform people in this era we live in: the era of the beasts.

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'Marina', by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, enthusiastically reviewed in 'The Guardian'
"Marina", by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, enthusiastically reviewed in "The Guardian"

Marina, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, has been enthusiastically reviewed in the teen books section of the prestigious british newspaper The Guardian. Published in England by Weidenfeld & Nicholson last September (in Spain it came out in 1999 in Edebé), the novel (the fourth written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, just before his best seller The Shadow of the Wind in 2001) has been deemed by alanahbee as «a fine piece of well-crafted, intriguing, chilling literature». Ruiz Zafon's style has also been celebrated, being deemed as «a feat in itself» and highlighting its «beauty». Its treatment of teenage angst is compared to the one in such important books as The Catcher in the Rye; the review ends with a clear statement: «Marina should soon become a modern classic and I can't sing its praises enough». The review can be read in the newspapers' webpage.

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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

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The Immortal Collection 1: A Saga of the Ancient Family
The Immortal Collection 1: A Saga of the Ancient Family

After the successful “The White City Trilogy” and the Detective Kaken Series, Eva García Sáenz de Urturi - winner of the 2020 Planeta Award - publishes for the first time the complete trilogy with which she began her career. NEVER FORGET THAT BEING LONG-LIVED DOES NOT MAKE YOU IMMORTAL When Adriana, a brilliant young archaeologist, accepts a position at the Museum of Archaeology in her hometown of Santander, Spain, she never imagined that her new boss could have lived through the history she can only study. Iago, the charismatic technical director of the museum, is more than ten thousand years old but appears to be only twenty-five. Iago and his family are longevos: people who never seem to age after reaching adulthood. The ancient family is divided: Iago’s brother and sister seek the source of their longevity in hopes of creating more like themselves, while Iago and his father fear the repercussions of the true Fountain of Youth. A dangerous game of power and knowledge that has played out over eons becomes even more complicated when Adriana attracts both brothers’ attention and learns their secret. Filled with science, history, and passion, The Immortal Collection transports the reader through time and space, from the days of cavemen, through the Roaring Twenties, to the charming plazas of contemporary Spain. Ancient history meets cutting-edge research in this modern love story and sweeping historical saga.

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Respirar por la herida by Víctor del Ýrbol published in France
Respirar por la herida by Víctor del Ýrbol published in France

Following the great success that his novel, The Sadness of the Samurai (La Tristesse du Samouraï, Actes Sud, 2012) received in France; Víctor del Árbol returns with this story of pain and vengeance entitled; Respirar por la herida (Le maison des chagris, Actes Sud, 2013). In Respirar por la herida, del Árbol creates a perfectly warped and complicated plot, that captures the reader like a fly in a spider’s web. Different lives with distinct origins and events that seem completely unrelated from one another are the pieces of this puzzle that will come together little by little when the reader least expects it. “Human beings know nothing about themselves. We think we know ourselves; in a secure environment we are predictable, but when we are faced with something extraordinary we don’t know how we will react until it occurs. Preconceptions are worthless. It’s not so easy to kill someone and assume the consequences, nobody can guarantee that vengeance will bring you justice or even less peace” Víctor del Árbol Víctor del Árbol has been translated into ten languages and was awarded in France with the Le Prix Le Point du Polar European 2012 for The sadness of the Samurai, for the best crime novel of the year.

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  One morning, Sylvie wakes up to find a note confirming the inevitable: her partner has left her. After years of companionship, she is now facing solitude for the first time. Daily life feels overwhelming—the sheep covered in filth, the rotting vegetables in the garden, the mud-caked boots, the damp clothes that never seem to dry, the gnawing fear, the suffocating isolation. Desperate to make some extra money, she decides to offer her services as a private detective, even though her only experience comes from devouring classic crime novels. Her first case—a series of brutally slaughtered cows—leads her into a web of secrets and pain. The desolate landscape looms over her like an unrelenting wall, and loneliness weighs down on her like a curse. She doesn’t know how to be alone. She feels hunger, but it’s an empty kind of hunger—one without dignity, without comfort, without anyone to hold her hand. It’s a sickness that dries out her skin and seeps into her veins. It’s not the abandonment that tortures her, but the certainty that this solitude will drive her mad. Soon, she realizes that the idea of absolute love is nothing more than a childish fantasy and that, once the fairy tale is over, a journey of revenge and transformation begins.  

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“The Divine Punishment” by Sergio Ramírez 25th Anniversary
“The Divine Punishment” by Sergio Ramírez 25th Anniversary

This April, the author Sergio Ramírez celebrates the 25th anniversary of the publication of this grand novel "Castigo divino". One of the many activities programmed to celebrate the occasion is the inauguration of the author’s Web page complete with various works available to download; one being the 1st chapter of “The Divine Punishment” (in Spanish). There is also a contest underway in Facebook, as well as the publication of various interviews and in Nicaragua the airing of the television series based on the novel. The author has commented about this celebration: "During this month of April we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the publication of my novel "Castigo divino". Originally published by Mondadori in Spain, that same year it appeared in México published by Grijalbo, Editorial Sudamerica in Argentina, Oveja Negra in Colombia, Casa de las Américas in Cuba and Editorial Nueva Nicaragua in Nicaragua. It has been translated into German, French, Dutch, Russian, Bulgarian, Portuguese and recently into English. Alfaguara still has in print, trade and paperback editions, making this a book that has gone from generation to generation throughout the years." "Undoubtedly it has become a classic not to be missed." Antonia Kerrigan.

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“The Master of the Prado” number one on the bestseller’s list
“The Master of the Prado” number one on the bestseller’s list

Since the day it was launched, February 5th 2013, Javier Sierra’s latest novel “The master of the Prado” (Editorial Planeta) has topped the bestseller’s lists in Spain, occupying the number one spot for seven consecutive weeks. “In the purest style of Javier Sierra and his stories of enigmas, “he master of the Prado” presents a passionate journey through the unknown stories and most kept secrets of one of the world’s most important art galleries, the Prado Musuem” Authors´ Web. Revista Qué leer (Febrero, 2013) La Razón (jueves 28 de marzo, 2013) ABC Cultural (viernes 29 de marzo, 2013) El Cultural (viernes 29 de marzo, 2013)

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Barcelona E-books presents the digital publication of “El Carrer dels Tres Llits” (The Street of the Three Beds) by Roser Caminals
Barcelona E-books presents the digital publication of “El Carrer dels Tres Llits” (The Street of the Three Beds) by Roser Caminals

In April of this year (2012) Blanca Rosa Roca (Roca Editorial) with the collaboration of Micheal Gordon (son of Noah Gordon) created, Barcelonaebooks. A label exclusively dedicated to the publication of digital books in English from Roca Editorial’s catalogue and from other Spanish publishing houses. Open Road, one of the American publishers, who pioneers in digital publishing and who distributes worldwide, has also joined this society. Open Road is an innovative platform for on-line distribution, using videos and on-line social networks to promote authors. One of the latest publications from Barcelonaebooks is “The Street with Three Beds” by Roser Caminals, published in 2002 with the original title in Catalán, “El Carrer dels Tres Llits” by Plaza & Janés publishing house and in Castellano by Lumen publishers with the title, “Amores oscuros”. We’d like to share the web-link to the audio-visual thatOpen Roadcreated in the web to promote this novel by the outstanding Catalan author Roser Caminals, and we wish the best of luck with this new release.     El País, Cultura (30/04/2012) El Huffington Post Open Road: Roser Caminals

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