Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "lorenzo silva"
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Behind a great statesman such as Sebastiò José de Carvalho e Melo there is not one great woman, but several. Some bound by blood, like his mother Maria Teresa Luiza de Mendoça e Melo; others, by affection, such as his two wives. The first, ten years older than the young Sebastiâo, was the widow Teresa de Mendoça e Almada. The relationship was not fully accepted, but Sebastiao didn’t hesitate, he kidnapped... - Read more

In one of the most intensive and transgressive Mexican novels of all times Silvana, the main character, falls in love with a child, breaking the last sexual taboo of our days. This scandalous, forbidden relationship, to which she surrenders completely, will force the reader to question his most solid moral believes about love, tolerance and guilt. Un siglo detrás de mí also narrates the story of Silvana's extravagant family, told... - Read more

Cristina Cerrada was born in Madrid. She holds a Ph.D. in Literary Studies from UCM, a degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from UCM, and a degree in Sociology from UNED. She coordinates several courses on short narrative and novels. She has written the novels "Calor de hogar, S.A." (2005), winner of the Ateneo Joven de Sevilla Novel Prize, "Alianzas duraderas" (2007), "La mujer calva" (2008), winner of the Lengua de Trapo Novel... - Read more

Juan Pedro Aparicio changes the direction of his career, lately focused on short stories, and publishes the work on which he has been working for the last 10 years, Nuestros hijos volarán con el siglo (Our Sons Will Fly with the Century) (Salto de Página), the story of the turbulent escape from Spain of Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, in a ship, the Volante, that had to face a wild storm and the assault of a group of pirates in what... - Read more

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