Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "madrid"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 57 results
The great novel about the Madrid of 1953, when the postwar period depicted a Madrid in black and white. In Mrs. Amelia’a small hotel life throbs underneath a subjugated Spain. On the street, the expectation of the echos from the military boots ready to celebrate the Francoist victory drowns the sounds of life; but inside, human contact becomes, inevitably, a hotbed of desires and hope. Meanwhile, Ernesto Bacigalupe, a Spanish anarchist... - Read more

This is Madrid’s great novel. Its history, its epic, its daily life. Belonging to all, Madrid was never anyone’s. Therein lies its greatness and its simplicity, its pride and humbleness, its revolutionary character and its dignity. Through three fascinating family sagas, Antonio Gómez Rufo traces the gripping literary tale of Madrid, from a morning in 1565, in which the youngsters Juan Posada, Alonso Vázquez and... - Read more

Winner of the Dashiell Hammett prize 2017 and Best Novel Prize at Valencia Negra 2016 In Madrid: frontier, David Llorente takes present-day events and proposes a tough story, unsettling, violent, between fiction and fact. At first the author creates a dystopia by narrating stories of eviction, unemployment and cultural decline and carries them to a much more disheartening future where hunger, poverty and injustice sweeps the streets of a city... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 57 results
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