Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "brasil"
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This Christmas, two books of Manel Loureiro's zombie trilogy have been published in Poland and Galicia: Apocalipsis Z. Los días oscuros saw the light of day as Apokalipsa Z. Mroczne Dni, published by Muza, and Apocalipsis Z. El comienzo del fin turned itself into Apocalipse Z. O comezo da fin, published by Urco Editora. The trilogy, which Loureiro posted at first in a blog and then, after having been read by more than 1,5 million people,... - Read more

We're pleased to see how our author's titles keep on seeing the light of day in other countries. The last ones we have received in the agency are the following: * Misión Olvido, by María Dueñas, has been published in The Netherlands under the title De wereld vergeten by Wereldbibliotheek. * Prométeme que serás libre, by Jorge Molist, has been published by S. Fischer in Germany. The title chosen for the... - Read more

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