Espaņa, 1969
Maribel Medina was born in Pamplona, and although her desire to travel has led her to live in India, her home has been in the Baztán Valley (Navarra) for the past 25 years. As a teenager, she was orphaned and had to give up her dream of becoming an astrophysicist, studying Geography and History instead. Later, she worked as an external reader for a national publishing house. In 2014, she published "Sangre de barro" (Blood of Mud), a noir novel about doping in sports that was a success with both the press and readers. Soon after, the next book in the Connors series appeared: "Sangre intocable" (Untouchable Blood). The theme continued: international plots with a backdrop of real denunciation. In 2019, the final book of the Blood trilogy appeared: "Sangre entre la hierba" (Blood among the Grass). She changed her style and published the illustrated story "El Niño-Hoja" (The Leaf-Child). She has served as a judge for various competitions, such as the Tenerife Noir award and the prestigious María Moliner award.
Since 2019, she has chaired and directed the association Mi Pueblo Lee (My Village Reads), a national rural network of literary festivals. On the wall of her office, she has written: "A bold life or nothing."