Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "las islas"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 346 results
Marta Robles makes her debut in the noir novel genre with a bang, with an ambitious and involving work, with two classical pillars, the disillusioned detective and the femme fatale, about those who revolve around a very turbulent plot that develops in multiple scenarios. The woman is Misia Rodríguez de Rothman, the beautiful and sensible wife of a world communication magnate, who becomes fascinated by Artigas, the most successful writer... - Read more

Queen Marla, who is only seventeen, is the sovereign of a splendid nation. Ahriel, a female angel, has been by her side since she was born, with the mission to guide and protect her, and to keep the balance in human kingdoms. However, when she discovers a conspiracy to start a bloody war, Ahriel is betrayed, her wings clipped, and locked up in the terrible prison of Gorlian, a primitive, wild and savage world, which no one has ever managed to... - Read more

Ahriel has regained her freedom and taken her revenge, but there is still one more thing she needs to do. After going to the City of Clouds to report to her peers, she renews her search for the magic prison of Gorlian to recover what she left behind when she escaped. She is determined to do anything to find it, even questioning the only person who knows where it is hidden. It will not be easy to reach this person, but Ahriel will not be alone... - Read more

Alex Colt is an orphan who lives in a shelter. One day he slides down a sliding chute but never reaches the ground. His body disappears from earth and reappears aboard an alien spaceship. Alex is conscious of this when he sees the moon flying by the hatchway, like a sign on the road informing you that you are leaving your village. He hardly gets to see them from the other side of the glass cylinder in which he travels.... - Read more

  When Amanda turned thirteen, she suddenly inherited a mansion and discovered that she was the last (glups) of a long family line dedicated to maintaining the balance between the forces of evil and the forces of good. Together with her friend Eric, Amanda has had to adapt to her new high school, to her new powers and to her new extracurricular activities: stealing objects dangerous to humanity. In this new adventure, this time around in... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 346 results
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