Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Marta Robles makes her debut in the noir novel genre with a bang, with an ambitious and involving work, with two classical pillars, the disillusioned detective and the femme fatale, about those who revolve around a very turbulent plot that develops in multiple scenarios. The woman is Misia Rodríguez de Rothman, the beautiful and sensible wife of a world communication magnate, who becomes fascinated by Artigas, the most successful writer... - Read more

Since she began publishing her writings in 1988, Laura Freixas has become one of the most relevant voices of Spanish feminism. In this autobiography,the author opens the doors, intimately and heartbreakingly, to one of the central stages of her life: marriage and motherhood. It was not going to happen to me , it's a reflection on private life and feminism, a transparent and sincere sample of human contradictions.... - Read more

It could happen that you end up stranded in a spaceship close to the Ganymede, besieged by a fleet of Zarkians who threaten with destroying the Earth. You could discover that your friends and you, the biggest losers of MOTHER, the Confederation’s training spaceship, are the only ones who can help in the planet’s defense. You could discover what is the real reason why you are on board the spaceship, which is not the one that you... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 877 results
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