Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "subsuelo"
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A live body that is changed by a corpse. A pool. A flash. A swamp. And the twins, who share a secret that does not seem easy to escape from. Like a murmur beneath the centenary earth, adolescent indifference can be truncated by the water’s stillness; hardly an instant within that night that transpires venom. Family, memories, past. Ants. The hidden roots that are always present and so active: pressing the sentence’s muscle. Like the... - Read more

The novel 'Subsuelo', by Marcelo Luján, wins the Premio Ciudad de Santa Cruz of the Festival Atlántico Tenerife Noir for the best noir genre novel of the 2015 in Spain. Ver más en: - Read more

The Argentine Marcelo Luján (Buenos Aires, 1973) has been awarded the Dashiell Hammett , the principal recognition awarded at the Semana Negra de Gijón, for his book Subsuelo (Subsoil) , a disturbing and sober thriller that has been considered by the judges as the best book of the noir genre published in Spain in 2015 . Luján won the Getafe award in 2009 for “La mala espera”. Visibly emotional, the winner has... - Read more

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