Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Isabel Abenia was born in Zaragoza, she holds a law degree and has taken Art and Medieval History courses in her native city. She is a writer and painter, before the appearance of The Last Sybil , she published The Alchemist and Erik the Goth .... - Read more

- Representado por Thomas Colchie Agente Literario - MUSHARRAF ALI FAROOQI is an author, novelist and translator. He was born in 1968 in Hyderabad, Pakistan, and now divides his time between Toronto and Karachi. His new novel,  Between Clay and Dust, was published to critical acclaim by David Davidar's Aleph Book Company in April 2012. Foto: © Arif Mahmood... - Read more

Luis Miguel Ariza  is a journalist and writer; he has a degree in Biology and a Master in Investigative Journalism from the Complutense University. Author of four novels (The Shadow of the Shaman; Kraken; Project Lazarus and The Children from the Heavens), he likes mixing science with suspense and the thriller with history, creating forbidden cocktails. He was co-screenwriter for the scientific series for RTVE; 2.Mil, he collaborated with... - Read more

Jon Arretxe has a doctorate in Basque Philology, a degree in Physical Education and has completed his piano and singing studies at the Bilbao and Vitoria conservatories. He has lived in Arbizu (Navarre) since 2004. This multi-faceted and successful author has chosen a literary career as a profession, gives lectures on his books or travels and, in addition, sings opera. His incursion into writing was through travel literature: 7 Colors , Tubabu... - Read more

Sabina Berman was initially recognized as a playwright, four time winner of the National Theatre of Mexico Award along with a dozen critics’ awards. Berman inaugurates a new work practically every two years in Mexico and her works have been toured extensively within the country and in Canada, USA, Central-America and South-America. To mention a few; Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda ( Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman , 1992); Muerte... - Read more

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