Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "essay"
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After Matthew Tree’s SNUG’s success, and becoming the eighth title in a catalogue that includes works by authors such as Emilio Calderón or Pedro L. Yúfera, AK Digital releases its first essay: The Remade Parent, by Brett Hetherington. Staff writer for Catalonia Today magazine and commentator for Australia’s ABC radio, Hetherington, who has been living in Catalonia since 2006, explains in detail the challenges of... - Read more

We're happy to see two of our titles in the best seller lists of 2013 published by Nielsen Bookscan. Javier Sierra, with his latest novel El maestro del Prado ( The Master of El Prado ) ,  appears, in the sixth position, as the first Spanish author in the list, with almost 150.000 copies sold of this last book. María Dueñas is in the tenth position with Misión Olvido ( Mission Oblivion ), that sold almost 120.000... - Read more

The Literary Agency Antonia Kerrigan wants to congratulate the author José María Merino for receiving, the well deserved,   Premio Nacional de Narrativa 2013 (National Narrative Award 2013) for his novel; The River of Eden ( El río de edén ) published in 2012 by   Editorial Alfaguara. José María Merino is a member of the  Real Academia Española   (Spanish Royal... - Read more

Released less than a month ago, María Pilar Queralt's latest book,  As Mulheres do Marquês de Pombal, has become a great success in Portugal. Two weeks ago it was placed at number seven in the Non Fiction category of the best seller list by the bookstore chain Bulhosa, and last week it reached number one among History books in FNAC Portugal. Diario de Noticias echoed the news of the splendid public reaction to the... - Read more

María Pilar Queralt is still investigating about the most important female characters in history; As Mulheres do Marquês de Pombal has been recently published in Portuguese by A Esfera dos Livros. The work deals with the decisive role of a group of women in the life of the Portuguese statesman Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo: his mother, Maria Teresa Luiza de Mendonça e Melo, his first wife (the... - Read more

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