Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "gabriel garc��a m��rquez"
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Here in the agency we've been representing Spanish and Latin American authors for more than thirty years. And the literature in Spanish of the last three decades cannot be understood without Gabriel García Márquez. We are deeply sorry for the passing away of an author to which we, just like every other reader, owe much, starting with a gratitude that should last more than a hundred years, but not filled with solitude, but with the... - Read more

Les Bandits by Jorge Volpi is since the last week available in French Bookstores. The publishing house Seuil brings this novel, originally published in Spain in 2014 by Alfaguara, to French readers. The novel was translated from the Spanish by Gabriel Laculli, who is known for translating classics like Cervantes and Lorca as well as contemporary authors such as Volpi and Sergio Pitol, among others. Memorial del engaño is a daring novel,... - Read more

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