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Mina San Telmo y el museo maldito

Martínez, Javier

Mina San Telmo y el museo maldito

Year: 2012
Editorial: Edebé
Language: Español, Catalán
ISBN: 9788468304304
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 21x14cm
Pages: 368
Published at: Houppa (Iran)
Synopsis: Mina San Telmo and the Lost Museum. A Murder Mystery about Modern Art

Mina San Telmo is the toast of the town, the youngest mystery writer to come to fame. That’s why she can’t believe her editor is asking her to write a book about … modern art? “Okay,” she says, “I’ll write that book on painting. But I will write it as if it was a murder mystery.”

Along with her sporty brother Rob, she delves into the murder of a wealthy art collector in London and joins in the investigation carried out by a former art appraiser turned police inspector. The case leads them to an enigmatic auction in Paris, and from there to a journey filled with intrigue, allowing the inspector to treat each painting as if it were a clue to the unsolved crime, and construct a most peculiar history of avant-garde art.

[Sample chapters in English available upon request.]

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