Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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  María Reimondez is one of Galicia’s most outstanding and prolific writers and translators. Although her first published book was a poetry collection (Moda galega, Ed. Positivas 2002) and she has published five more collections since (one of them originally written in German), she is best known as a writer of prose for adults and children, and non-fiction books. She has received some of Galicia’s most important... - Read more

Ignasi Riera has devoted his life equally to literature and politics. A regular contributor to a number of newspapers and magazines and a speaker/lecturer on radio, he has also written fiction and essays, having published more than 25 books. In 1984 he received the Premio Ramon Llull for his novel El rellotge del pont d'Esplugues (The Esplugues's Bridge Watch). He has published Los catalanes de Franco (Plaza & Janés, 1998) and Joan... - Read more

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