Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "picasso"
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Dora Maar died in 1997 leaving behind an aura of mystery and expectation. She was Picasso’s lover between 1936 and 1943, she had photographed the Guernica and was an exceptional model for the series; The Crying Woman by the painter from Malaga. Dora Maar’s father was Yugoslav and her mother French although her childhood was spent in Argentina. Rejecting her bourgeois origins she became a political left wing activist joining the... - Read more

Manuel Muro, a reckless and heterodox painter, arrives in Paris with an empty case and, once there, life fulfils him at the same time that he fills his case. Thanks to his immense capacity to fascinate, he gets very close to the most interesting people in the town. In this way he made friends with Unamuno who gives him the manuscript of his “Diario de París”, the which he puts in his case; Juan Gris paints a portrait of two... - Read more

A journey through the life and work of the Spanish painter and a sincere homage to the masterpiece that has best captured the tragedy of the Spanish Civil War. Pablo Ruiz Picasso travels to Florence from Paris, the city were he resides. It is in that city that he first sees a painting by Rubens, The Disasters of War , which will cause a lasting impression and which will be the source of his most famous work: Guernica. Back in Paris, the Civil... - Read more

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