Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "the last passenger"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 36 results
We bid farewell to 2014 mentioning the smashing pre-sale success of “The Last Passenger” by Manel Loureiro and with this we also begin 2015 with the incredible news about the latest novel by this Galician author. “The Last Passenger” published in both the USA and the UK by Amazon Crossing, has been warmly acclaimed by the public on its first week of publication. “The Last Passenger” was included in Amazon... - Read more

Great expectations in the english world for the translation of  The Last Passenger , the last novel by Manel Loureiro. AmazonCrossing bought the English World rights of The Last Passenger , which was published in Spain in 2013 (Planeta).The book will be released on January 1, 2015 and it's now avaiable on presale. It has been for the last week at the Top 3 of the Amazon Best Sellers. Moreover, the Kindle editions of all three volumes of... - Read more

The writer Gonzalo Giner has obtained the XXV Fernando Novel Prize Lara with the work "The green mist". The Jury for this Award made the decision public during an award ceremony held at the Casa Guardiola in Seville. The novel is a fast-paced adventure, a moving ecologist plea, a hymn to conservationism and a great love story in the legendary African jungle. In the words of the author, « The green haze  It is a... - Read more

La tristeza del samurái ( The Sadness of the Samurai ), by Víctor del Árbol (Alrevés), was published in the Polish publishing house Albatros the last 26 th of November. It’s the last country to launch this successful thriller with accents of historic novel, after having been published in the United States (Henry Holt & Co.), Brazil (Companhía das Letras), Italy (Mondadori), The Netherlands... - Read more

Las flores de Baudelaire (Baudelaire's Flowers), the first novel by Gonzalo Garrido, published in 2012 by Alrevés, was reprinted last month in its paperback edition by DeBolsillo, which is part of Penguin Random House group. This news just goes to prove how Garrido's career is growing. His first novel, a blend of mistery and history that deals with treason and its presence as a guiding force in our lives, became an unexpected success.... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 36 results
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