Sergi Dòria (Barcelona, 1960) is a PhD in Communications Sciences, journalist, and literary critic writing in the cultural supplement of the ABC newspaper, as well as a professor in the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona and Ramon Llull.
He is the author of the book/report “La Guineueta” (1995) and Imatges (Images): 1930, Barcelonins I moderns (2004). In 2005 he co-edited with Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, Paseos por La Barcelona literaria (Walks Across Literary Barcelona) and in 2006 he reedited the travel book by Capitán Enric Blanco, Boston-Barcelona.
Besides this, he has published the critical edition of the novels of Ignacio Agustí, the literary guide La Barcelona de Carlos Ruiz Zafón and the biography of the author of Mariona Rebull, Ignacio Agustí, El árbol y la ceniza (The Tree and the Ash) (2013).
Photo: © Yolanda Cardo
Literary Genres: contemporary fiction
Published at: Destino (Spain) - Plaza & Janés
Antonia Kerrigan