Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "merino"
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In order to get away from a dramatic familial situation, a biologist decides to spend some time working in the laboratory of an almost desert island, an environmental reserve, where time passes more according to the rhythm of nature than to that of the few human beings on the island. Besides, it looks as if there one’s personal memory could be deleted. However, the arrival at the island of a ship carrying the dead corpse of a young woman... - Read more

“It is said that a human being takes a little over eight seconds to fall in love, and while you looked and listened to that girl, you felt towards her that invincible desire for closeness, with which love cloaks when it appears.” In the company of his son Silvio, Daniel travels across the Alto Tajo region. A legendary place where he intends to scatter his wife's ashes. These are the same places in which man and woman, in their first... - Read more

The violinist of Mauthausen ”Once upon a time on subway station I saw a young couple dancing a waltz on the platform, without music, unaware of everything, as if no one were looking at them. The image was so powerful that it kept haunting me until I wrote this novel: that couple lived in Paris, in the spring of 1940. They were about to marry, but the Wehrmacht invades France and, as he is an exiled Spanish Republican, the Gestapo arrests... - Read more

This book collects different reflections on literary invention which are the result of the author's experience as reader and narrator. The first part offers a general vision of the subjects treated, through texts, many of them unpublished, that the author wrote for readings and lectures. In the second part he analyzes specific literary works in essays and articles appeared partially in different periodicals. Continuous Fiction covers subjects... - Read more

“This book presents what my storyteller output has been in the course of twenty years. Why tales from the other side? With this title I have tried to mark the environment of all these stories, regardless of the theme of each of them as a whole: the place that corresponds to the space of fiction, inevitable elucidating shadow of the place of reality for human beings, and in this case even more so “other” for its general... - Read more

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