Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Roser Caminals-Heath was born in Barcelona in 1956 and lives in Frederick (USA), where she has been teaching Spanish Literature at Hood College since 1981. Her first novel, “Once remembered, twice lived” (Peter Lang, 1993), was later published in Catalan by Columna under the title “Un segle de prodigies” (1995). Thereafter she has published “Les herbes secretes” (Pagès Editors, 1999), which was... - Read more

Luisa Castro was born in Foz (Lugo) in 1966 and holds a degree in Hispanic philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. A twenty-one she was awarded the Premio Hiperión de Poesia, for Los Versos del Eunuco  ( The Eunuch’s Verses ), and at twenty-four was the runner-up of the Premio Herralde de Novela for El Somier ( The Mattress ). Ever since, she has worked as a literary critic and collaborated for newspapers such as... - Read more

In 1992 she published her first book of poems, Querrán ponerle nombre, followed by Las palabras de la piedra (1993). Two years later she won the Premio de Poesía "Ciudad de Irún" with Contra el desprestigio de la altura. Some of her poetical works have been included in Tarde tranquila. Omaggio alla poesia, an anthology of poetry published in Italy. She has published the novels Algún amor que no mate (Plaza & Janés,1996), launched in Greece... - Read more

Julio Espinosa Guerra (Santiago, 1974) is a Chilean author. He has published the novels El día que fue ayer (Mago, Chile, 2006) and La fría piel de agosto (Alfaguara, Chile, 2013), the books of poems La soledad del encuentro (Mosquito, Chile, 1999), Las metamorfosis de un animal sin paraíso (LF, Béjar, 2004, Villa de Leganés Prize), NN (Gens, Madrid, 2007, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize ), Sintaxis... - Read more

Bebi Fernández is a creator whose great popularity was cemented in social networks. Her three poetic diaries,  Amor y asco,   Indomable and Rocamboleska , have become a collective symbol of rebellion and a call to the struggle of women. A criminologist specialized in gender violence and organized crime, an online activist, and a successful writer thanks to her implacable first novel  Memorias de una salvaje , and its... - Read more

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