Roser Caminals-Heath was born in Barcelona in 1956 and lives in Frederick (USA), where she has been teaching Spanish Literature at Hood College since 1981. Her first novel, “Once remembered, twice lived” (Peter Lang, 1993), was later published in Catalan by Columna under the title “Un segle de prodigies” (1995). Thereafter she has published “Les herbes secretes” (Pagès Editors, 1999), which was honoured with the prize for best novel in the literary contest Jocs Florals de la Diàspora (held in Washington DC for Catalan writers living abroad). She has translated into English “Los pazos de Ulloa” by Emilia Pardo Bazán, and a compilation of short stories by Catalan writer Carme Riera, A matter of self-esteem and other stories (Holmes & Meier, New York). Many of her essays and reviews have appeared in American journals. She is also co-editor of the literary journal Monocacy Valley Review. In 2002 the Spanish publisher Plaza & Janés published his novel in Catalan “El carrer dels tres lilts” (Dark Loves) which was later published in Spanish: “Amores oscuros” (Lumen). After she has published “La petita mort” (The Little Death) (La Rosa dels Vents, 2004 and Bruguera, 2006), “La dona de Mercuri” (Mercury woman) (Grup 62, 2005 and Bruguera, 2007), “La seducció Americana (American seduction) (Grup 62, 2009). “Cinc-cents bars i una llibreria”, (Grup62, 2010) and "Els aliats de la nit" (Grup62, 2015).
Her novel "Garbo Parla" (Edicions 62, 2021) was awarded the BBVA Sant Joan Prize in 2021.
Literary Genres: contemporary fiction - historical fiction - police, black and suspense
Published at: Bruguera - Edicions 62 - Edicions 62 (Spain) - Lumen
Antonia Kerrigan