Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Esmeralda Romero is a writer specializing in romantic novels born in Madrid. In 2020, she self-published her first novel "Una vuelta más al sol" (Another Round Around the Sun), which inaugurates the Firmamento Series, also including "La luna sabe tu nombre" (The Moon Knows Your Name) (2020) and "El cielo es solo el principio" (The Sky is Just the Beginning) (2021). In 2022, she decided to follow her passion for medical series and wrote a... - Read more

Mercedes Abad  debuted as a writer with Ligeros libertinajes sabaticos ( Light Sabbatical Libertinage , 1986), a book of short stories which was awarded the Premio La Sonrisa Vertical . She has published the short story books Felicidades conyugales ( Marital Happiness ), Soplando al viento ( Blowing in the Wind , 1995), Amigos y fantasmas ( Friends and Ghosts , 2004), winner of the NH Vargas Llosa Award , Media docena de robos y un par de... - Read more

Víctor Del Árbol (Spain, 1968) holds a degree in History from the University of Barcelona. He worked as an officer of the Catalan police force from 1992 to 2012. In 2003, he was the runner-up for the VIII Fernando Lara Award with El abismo de los sueños ( The Abyss of Dreams ) and in 2006, he won the Tiflos de Novela Award with the El peso de los muertos ( Weight of the Dead ). His novel La tristeza del samurai ( The... - Read more

Luis Miguel Ariza  is a journalist and writer; he has a degree in Biology and a Master in Investigative Journalism from the Complutense University. Author of four novels (The Shadow of the Shaman; Kraken; Project Lazarus and The Children from the Heavens), he likes mixing science with suspense and the thriller with history, creating forbidden cocktails. He was co-screenwriter for the scientific series for RTVE; 2.Mil, he collaborated with... - Read more

Juan Ramón Biedma was born in Seville, studied Law, and for years has devoted himself to emergency management, an activity that he has combined with that of radio announcer, screenwriter and film critic, as well as collaborating in various publications and anthologies - The Black List , Probation and other stories , Guernika Variations , The Bible-The book , Coven ... God’s Manuscript (Editions B), special mention by the jury... - Read more

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