Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "new releases"
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"When he left his home, the time traveler was unaware of his condition; it was still a few hours away before he realize that impossible certainty." Imagine if you could jump back in time and go at to some point in which you have made some sort of decision in your life. Would you try to win back a lost love? Would you use your power to become rich? Would you try to improve the world?   Victor Piñol, a lonely guy marked by an... - Read more

A new "Bubble" adventure, the brilliant inventor, who this time around will face off an evil Santa Claus. Miss Bubble and Vincent now live in Lapland, where they shelter lots of penguins. These birds are at the wrong pole, and their transfer was a whim of Santa Claus, who has, for a while now, been behaving strangely: he mistreats the elves, abandons the reindeer to their fate ... The inventor will confront him and try to get to the bottom of... - Read more

Ahriel has regained her freedom and taken her revenge, but there is still one more thing she needs to do. After going to the City of Clouds to report to her peers, she renews her search for the magic prison of Gorlian to recover what she left behind when she escaped. She is determined to do anything to find it, even questioning the only person who knows where it is hidden. It will not be easy to reach this person, but Ahriel will not be alone... - Read more

  You could embark on a new adventure with the group, or solve a problem, who knows?You could discover that if you find a few “chubis” and a space ship, than you could take a jump to interspace, no problem. You could end-up a prisoner of the “Hylanos”, along with Alex, Havee, Tycho, Blop and Maia. What, who are the “Hylandos”? Well, they aren’t friends nor are they enemies of the Confederation of... - Read more

  When Amanda turned thirteen, she suddenly inherited a mansion and discovered that she was the last (glups) of a long family line dedicated to maintaining the balance between the forces of evil and the forces of good. Together with her friend Eric, Amanda has had to adapt to her new high school, to her new powers and to her new extracurricular activities: stealing objects dangerous to humanity. In this new adventure, this time around in... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 196 results
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