Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "madrid"
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Juan Pedro Aparicio changes the direction of his career, lately focused on short stories, and publishes the work on which he has been working for the last 10 years, Nuestros hijos volarán con el siglo (Our Sons Will Fly with the Century) (Salto de Página), the story of the turbulent escape from Spain of Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, in a ship, the Volante, that had to face a wild storm and the assault of a group of pirates in what... - Read more

Madrid:Frontera, by David Llorente, winner of the Dashiel Hammett prize 2017 David Llorente (Madrid, 1972) has won the Dashiell Hammett Prize, awarded during the Semana Negra de Gijón, for his novel Madrid:Frontera (Alrevés). Madrid:Frontera is a disturbing dystopia, a condemning cry for the misery that consumes our present-day society, a disquieting novel that is radical in its approach. The judges note that the winning novel... - Read more

Catalan writer Mercedes Abad returns after five years of silence with La niña gorda (The Fat Girl, Páginas de Espuma). A group of interwoven short stories, the girl in the title (a character inspired by the author when she was a child, or an imaginary double of hers in her adult age) is the guiding figure through all the stories, in which humor and irony mix with sadness to speak about childhood and adolescence, about women. La... - Read more

Vanessa Monfort, prolific playwright whose texts have been included in many anthologies, published last February La leyenda de la ciudad sin voz (The Legend of the Voiceless Island) (Plaza y Janés), her third novel, after The Secret Ingredient (2006) and Mythology of New York (2010), both in Algaida. The book, starring Charles Dickens as he visits Blackwell Island (in which there was an asylum, a prison, a nursing home and an orphanage),... - Read more


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