Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "planeta"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 27 results

Eva García Sáenz de Urturi has obtained the Planeta 2020 Prize with the novel  Aquitaine. “ A medieval thriller, a tribute to The name of the rose and a Game of Thrones of what would later become Europe, ”said the author, who dedicated the award to the victims of the pandemic. “The world of culture will survive this pandemic, explain it to us and move forward. My characters have... - Read more

This Christmas, two books of Manel Loureiro's zombie trilogy have been published in Poland and Galicia: Apocalipsis Z. Los días oscuros saw the light of day as Apokalipsa Z. Mroczne Dni, published by Muza, and Apocalipsis Z. El comienzo del fin turned itself into Apocalipse Z. O comezo da fin, published by Urco Editora. The trilogy, which Loureiro posted at first in a blog and then, after having been read by more than 1,5 million people,... - Read more

El maestro del Prado ( The Master of El Prado ) , sixth and last novel by Javier Sierra, was the most sold among the national fiction books in Spain in 2013, as revealed by Nielsen Bookscan. Published in February 2013 by Planeta, it has sold more than 150.000 copies in Spain and the same amount in Latin America, reaching its seventh edition and remaining on the best seller lists for more than 25 weeks in the sales lists. The novel, a mixture of... - Read more

“One day the walls will fall and Barcelona will spread under the heavens like a drop of ink over holy water”   Last April 23, 2012 for the “Day of the Book” Carlos Ruiz Zafón published with the publisher’s Editorial Planeta a short story un-edited titled, El Príncipe de Parnaso (The Prince of Parnaso). The story that forms part of a special edition pack with the author’s latest novel El... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 27 results
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