Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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El gran vidrio

El gran vidrio

Year: 2007
Editorial: Anagrama
Language: Español, Catalán
Synopsis: The Large Glass is a celebration that is made annually in the ruins of the buildings destroyed by the big 1985 México earthquake, where hundreds of families live. The fact to live between the broken structures represents a greater symbol of social invisibility. It is perhaps when they decide to belong to the rest, when they carnivalize this situation somehow, and decide to name The Large Glass to its celebration. This duchampian experience gives to Mario Bellatín the chance to shelter it in a particular rhetoric, the one of concealment from impossible to recreate three autobiographies that shows, through its hermetecism, that a traditional autobiography is incapable to transmit.

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other works of the author -

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Anagrama, 2006
La clase muerta La clase muerta
Alfaguara, 2011
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