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Soria Moria

Year: 2007
Editorial: Algaida
Language: Español, Catalán
Synopsis: Isabella de Betancourt and Dolores Hamilton are two young ladies who belong to the British high class, settled down in Tenerife at the end of the 19th century.

Their lives have passed quiet and comfortable, waiting for the most desired moment of their lives: getting married. In this way they will follow the rules of social alliances and interests the society have designed for them.

The arrival at the island of Scott and Thomas, two young boys of their same age, will change their lives. Isabella and Dolores will face the strict social rules of their families for the first time.

They will try in vane to escape from their reality to Soria Moria: a mythic place of Nordic tales where they feel safe from time and death. Nevertheless the times where imagination and the magic of children’s games embellish everything were over. Reality comes with the adult age. During 1914, all these circumstances are reinforced by the beginning of a war with no proportions…

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