Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Las antípodas y el siglo

Padilla, Ignacio

Las antípodas y el siglo

Year: 2001
Editorial: Espasa-Calpe
Language: Español, Catalán
Published at: Munhakdongne (Korea), Gallimard (France), Ambar Ideias (Portugal), Simon & Schuster (UK), Straus and Giroux Farrar (USA), Recorded (USA)
Synopsis: In this book of short stories Padilla writes about displeased adventurers, amnesic soldiers, crazy geographers... All of them minimal men capable of imagining the unattainable. Twelve masterpieces in which we find unusual human beings, indemonstrable roads and great discoveries that go beyond what is apparently possible. In these stories Ignacio Padilla has written about the human will that struggles to survive and to reach the unattainable in spite of its smallness.

US rights sold to Farrar, Strauss & Giroux in collaboration with Thomas Colchie Agency.

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