Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Vampira de biblioteca

Costas, Ledicia

Year: 2020
Editorial: Xerais
Literary Category: contemporary fiction
ISBN: 978-84-9121-651-3
Pages: 152

This is not a story either. It's my story.

You’ll wonder as to who I am. My name is Eleonora, I am a vampire, and dedicate my time to the insects that want to go through the pages of the books in the library where I live. So, if you are one of those people who don’t believe in creatures like me, it’s better you keep this book closed, put it back on a shelf and forget it for good. End of story.

Or you can also dare to carry on. But for this you must give me a sign of faith and pass a test. Are you game?

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Alfaguara (Español), Xerais (Gallego), 2021
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