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A Señorita Bubble. Deus salve as raíñas

Costas, Ledicia

A Señorita Bubble. Deus salve as raíñas

Year: 2023
Editorial: Anaya
Literary Category: children & ya
Language: Gallego
ISBN: 978-84-1110-269-8
Pages: 128
Synopsis: The return of the great inventor, who went as far as helping Elizabeth II herself with her rodent problem.

Miss Bubble receives a letter from Elizabeth II and has to travel immediately to Buckingham Palace. The queen is in trouble: there is an invasion of rats in the city of London. They have managed to penetrate the palace and have stolen one of the most valuable pieces from Elizabeth's collection.

The rodents act under the orders of Jack White, a rat catcher who has trained them with the intention of controlling the United Kingdom.

Our inventor will have to use all her ingenuity to recover the stolen object and also for peace to return to London. But she won't be an easy affair.

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