Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "spanish"
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Since she began publishing her writings in 1988, Laura Freixas has become one of the most relevant voices of Spanish feminism. In this autobiography,the author opens the doors, intimately and heartbreakingly, to one of the central stages of her life: marriage and motherhood. It was not going to happen to me , it's a reflection on private life and feminism, a transparent and sincere sample of human contradictions.... - Read more

A present-day Humboldt and a distressed meteorologist debate between their field of study and the official line. Athletes in ascent or decadence are tripped over in the court, the diamond or the ring turned into insanity, harassment or political prison. Obsessed spectators question portraits and frames in search for clues of their own existence. The young, prey to idols, to betrayed friendship, to the loneliness that exiles imposes, fall into... - Read more

What would happen if one day you wake up to a civilization that is falling to pieces? This is the situation in which the hero of Apocalypse Z finds himself in; a young lawyer who lives a relaxed life of routine in a small provincial Spanish town, until an obscure medical incident occurs in the remote country of Caucaso. Progressively what was a merely a commentary in the international news media becomes an epidemic of devastating proportions... - Read more

The great novel about the Madrid of 1953, when the postwar period depicted a Madrid in black and white. In Mrs. Amelia’a small hotel life throbs underneath a subjugated Spain. On the street, the expectation of the echos from the military boots ready to celebrate the Francoist victory drowns the sounds of life; but inside, human contact becomes, inevitably, a hotbed of desires and hope. Meanwhile, Ernesto Bacigalupe, a Spanish anarchist... - Read more

In Cela, piel adentro , the son of the Nobel Prize winner manages to create a portrait that is both literary and personal of Camilo José Cela, undoubtedly one of the crucial figures that Spanish literature produced in the twentieth century. In what is the best homage and account from he who was dreaming since his youth of the Nobel Prize of Literature, Cela Conde reviews the life of his father, the man who was to him, above all, a... - Read more

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