Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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1916: First Wolrd War.Viktor Kretzschmar and Thadeus Dreyer are betling their lives on a chess game. Place: a railroad wagon carrying troops to the front. If he wins, Thadeus Dreyer, a mobilized recruit, will change identity with that of his opponent, a railway employee, if he loses he'll put a bullet through his lead. 1943: The Second World War. The Amphitryon project is on the march. A small legion of doubles are training to substitute... - Read more

Financed by a mysterious American multi-millionaire and manned by an old Jewish archaeologist, a secret expedition delves deep into the Jordanian dessert. With the help of two sketchy maps, the exact location where the Ark of Covenant was buried by the Jews that saved it from the destruction of the Second Temple is pinpointed. One of these maps was amongst the Qumran scrolls, the other was found hidden in the inside a candle kept by a Jewish... - Read more

Between the Arabian Desert and the Mediterranean Sea there exists a land that since antiquity has polarized the visions and dreams of humankind. Some maintain that God gave it to their people; others that God was born there; and yet others that their prophet chose it to climb to heaven from there. All three main monotheistic religions claim it as theirs. They’ve all wanted to beautify it and honor it, and all have shed a lot of blood for... - Read more

Although both the media as well as western governments have made an effort to make believe that the terrorist attacks in Charlie Hebdo in Paris were exclusively an act by radical Jihadists, the truth of the attacks tells us a very different story. What really is taking place is not a war on religion, but rather the tracks of a profound geopolitical game in the hands of western powers and the Masters of the Universe. As of today, the United... - Read more

The book that explains and describes not only the origin and the sources behind the mysteries of Javier Sierra’s novels, but many more historical enigmas that he has been finding in his years as investigator. Since the 1980s Javier Sierra has visited more than twenty countries, probing their mysteries. Egypt is the country he is most familiar with, having travelled there numerous times to investigate unsolved enigmas about the Pyramids.... - Read more

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