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El país de los espíritus

Ruiz Montañez, Miguel

El país de los espíritus

Year: 2011
Editorial: Ediciones Martínez Roca
Language: Español, Catalán
Synopsis: A spirit in Haiti is much more than a mere spirit. It’s a free soul, an energy current of that escapes from the temples, moves about the place, nestles in the corner of houses and resides inside of people. There are lots of religions in the world, but none like voodoo, where the god, loa, climbs on top of the believer, takes hold of them, handles them, coddles them, and if the spirit wants, blesses them with goodness… Or curses them with evil… There is a section of the sky people deny, and some times we accidentally bump into it. In my case, Haiti’s sky opened above me, dragging me towards an uncertain fate. This is my testimony, and the testimony of the people who fought alongside me, against a mountain of beliefs in the land of spirits.

After the success of Columbus’ Tomb and The Wizard Pope, Miguel Ruiz Montañez returns with a novel loaded with suspense, action and intrigue. Beyond the thriller, The Country of Spirits is a superb x-ray of Haiti, a place where ancient legends and voodoo have taken root in a most astonishing manner. An essential novel for understanding Haiti.

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other works of the author -

El Papa Mago El Papa Mago
Ediciones Martínez Roca, 2008
La tumba de Colón La tumba de Colón
Ediciones B, 2006
La sangre de Colón La sangre de Colón
HarperCollins Ibérica, 2020
Donde nace el cielo Donde nace el cielo
Ediciones B, 2024
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