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Las mascotas del mundo transparente

Merino, José María

Las mascotas del mundo transparente

Year: 2014
Editorial: Nocturna Ediciones
Collection: Literatura Mágica, nº 19
Literary Category: fantasy
Language: Español, Catalán
ISBN: 9788494286223
Format: Paperback with flaps
Dimensions: 15x21cm
Pages: 116
Published at: España
Synopsis: Can you imagine that by simply humming a song you’d suddenly find yourself in some other world? And that in this world you were a pet? Well, that is what happens to Ismael: one day he is in his house and, the next minute, in a cage with a girl by the name of Sophie, a professor and large talking spider with a fondness for mathematics. All four will have to overcome their differences and collaborate to solve the enigma of how they’ve gotten there and, most importantly, how will they convey to their captors that they are not the pets for what they take them to be, but rather intelligent beings that should be roaming freely.

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