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Noticias del Antropoceno

Merino, José María

Noticias del Antropoceno

Year: 2021
Editorial: Alfaguara
Literary Category: tales
ISBN: 9788420454955
Pages: 304
Synopsis: Return to the short story genre of Jose María Merino, Premio Nacional de Narrativa y Premio Nacional de la Crítica

"Each one chooses the responsibility of his destiny."

A pope dreams of God's resignation, a young writer tries to relate the end of the rural world, a man seeks in the depths of the sea to get away from the atrocities on the surface, a couple reaches the seventh continent, formed by the accumulation of plastic, that material which can deprive us of the future.

The characters that inhabit this book witness, sometimes unawares, at others taken aback and almost always melancholic, the messages the Earth clamors: that which we face as a new era, of its transformation by human action and of changes in regards to people’s relationships brought about by technological advances. There is no possible truce: there is a new world under construction, there is a planet in destruction.

With Noticias del Antropoceno, Jose María Merino returns with his well-known skill in the short story genre. His kind and lucid gaze at reality, albeit not exempt of critical irony, presents the reader with an urgent reflection on our time and the footprint of human beings on Earth.

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other works of the author -

El caldero de oro El caldero de oro
Alfaguara, 1992
La sima La sima
Seix Barral, 2009
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