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Respirar por la herida

Árbol, Víctor del

Respirar por la herida

Year: 2013
Editorial: Alrevés
Language: Español, Catalán
Published at: Actes Sud (France), Sonia Draga (Poland), Scribe (Australia), Iztok Zapad (Bulgaria), Matica Makedonska (Macedonia)
Synopsis: Perhaps God plays dice with our destiny, scattering the pieces of a puzzle that always keeps coming back together one way or another. Maybe it is fate that snatches that which we cherish the most, but it just might be that all which occurs to us is simply the result of our very own actions.

These are the questions that torment Eduardo, a painter to whom nothing makes sense after the death of his wife and daughter, till a famous cellist, Gloria Tagger, commissions his life's greatest challenge: to paint Arthur's portrait, an entrepreneur with a murky past. To accept the commission unleashes a spiral of emotions and tragic events, which inevitably draws in all those who surround him. With each brushstroke, Eduardo opens doors which would have been best to have left shut, but that, once opened, nothing or nobody will be able to close again.

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El peso de los muertos El peso de los muertos
Alrevés, 2016
Un millón de gotas Un millón de gotas
Destino, 2014
La tristeza del Samurái La tristeza del Samurái
Alrevés, 2011
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