Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "spain"
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Zaragoza (Spain), July 1808. A woman a little over the age of 20 pulls the linstock from the hands of a dead gunner and fires the cannon this one had at his charge. Her intervention, as daring as it is risky, forced the French troops that threatened the Zaragozan Puerta del Puertillo, and allowed General Palafox to rebuild the defense. The woman was born in Barcelona in 1768, and her name was Agustina Saragossa and would go down in history as... - Read more

What would happen if one day you wake up to a civilization that is falling to pieces? This is the situation in which the hero of Apocalypse Z finds himself in; a young lawyer who lives a relaxed life of routine in a small provincial Spanish town, until an obscure medical incident occurs in the remote country of Caucaso. Progressively what was a merely a commentary in the international news media becomes an epidemic of devastating proportions... - Read more

The great novel about the Madrid of 1953, when the postwar period depicted a Madrid in black and white. In Mrs. Amelia’a small hotel life throbs underneath a subjugated Spain. On the street, the expectation of the echos from the military boots ready to celebrate the Francoist victory drowns the sounds of life; but inside, human contact becomes, inevitably, a hotbed of desires and hope. Meanwhile, Ernesto Bacigalupe, a Spanish anarchist... - Read more

Seville, October 1936. Crisanta is given a dangerous assignment. A 16th century triptych by Jan Van Eyck has disappeared amid the looting. If she tracks it down and hands it in, she’ll get help her get out of the country. She realizes that there is no place for her in a Spain shrouded in obscurantism, and accepts, regardless of the fact that her divination instruments have advised her to stay clear of that enterprise. Legend has it that... - Read more

  Alfaguara Prize (Spain) 2004 & Premio Grinzane Cavour (Italy) 2005 Internationally acclaimed for the virtuosity and power of her fiction, Laura Restrepo has created in Delirium a passionate, lyrical, devastating tale of eros and insanity. Aguilar, an unemployed literature professor who has resorted to selling dog food for a living, returns home from a short trip to discover that his wife, Agustina, has gone mad. He... - Read more

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